We are conveniently located and here for your Christmas memories.
From West Side of Cleveland:
Take I-71 south to Rt. 3 (exit 222). Exit freeway to the west (right). Turn right at first street-Hamilton Rd. Travel northwest one mile. Watch for Medina Christmas Tree Farm sign on right by gravel drive.
From East Side of Cleveland:
Take I-271 to Wadsworth/North Royalton Exit. Exit freeway and turn right on Rt. 94 (North). Turn left at the first light onto Rt 3. Continue for about five miles until you pass under I-71, turn right at the first street, Hamilton Rd. After one mile watch for Medina Christmas Tree Farm sign on the right by a gravel drive. (Watch for signs!)
From Medina:
Beginning on square, follow Rt..3 east toward Hinkley for about 8 miles. Just before reaching freeway you will see Hamilton Rd. on the left. Turn left and travel northwest one mile. Watch for Medina Christmas Tree Farm sign on right by gravel drive.
From Akron:
From intersection of I-77 and Rt. 18, follow Rt. 18 west toward Medina to I-71. Turn right on I-71 and drive north to Rt. 3 (exit 222). Exit freeway and turn left on Rt. 3. Pass under I-71 and watch for Hamilton Rd. immediately on your right. Turn right on Hamilton Rd. and travel northwest one mile. Watch for Medina Christmas Tree Farm sign on the right by a gravel drive.
From Valley City:
Take 303 to Rt. 252 and turn north. Follow Rt. 252 to Abbeyville Rd. Turn left on Abbeyville and continue on to Hamilton Rd. Turn left on Hamilton and follow it southeast past Rt. 42 and Pleasant Valley Golf Course. You will pass side streets named Hamlin, Foskett and Plum Creek. Then just as you come to the top of a rise Medina Christmas Tree Farm will be on your left.